We are Medicaid Application Specialists!
Serving Hudson Valley Region
Caring for an aging parent or loved one is not an easy job. At some point in time most of us will face this herculean task in our lifetime. There is so much to do, so much to know - it can be very, very overwhelming. This becomes particulaly stressful if Mom lives in New York and you live in California. A Geriatric Care Manager can help give you some peace of mind during this stressful time.
A Care Manager is a professional with extensive knowledge and training in aging and community services. A good care manager knows how to access and advocate for needed services and benefits for your loved one. They are your eyes and ears watching over your loved one.
Whether your loved one wants to stay in their home or may require a higher level of care - a care manager will get what they need, when they need it. Most people can stay in their homes and studies have proven that we age more successfully in our own homes - I will work tirelessly to make it happen.
Call or email me for a free phone consultation.
“My Care Manager” – see what clients love about working with an Aging Life Care manager.
Client Services
Each family and situation is unique. Therefore our care plans are different for each family and client. Some of our clients may need help with a Medicaid application, another may just need some help with referrals to community services while others may need our more comprehensive care management. What ever your need is we are here to serve you.
Medicaid Application Support
Draconian cuts to Community Medicaid Long Term Care have been made to this program over the last several years. However the long feared 2.5 year financial look back has not yet been implemented. it may be implemented after March 31, 2025. This is your chance to apply now without worrying about the "financial look back" and other cuts. We can help. Call or email us!!
New York State’s Medicaid Long Term Care for community based elderly has been a highly effective program that has enabled many seniors to stay in their homes. However with cuts to the budget announced on March 31, 2020 funds to these programs have been severely cut back. The bottom line - many elderly who would have been eligible for this program will no longer be eligible. The impact on the elderly and their families will be devastating.
&Safety Concerns
Safety and environmental assessments & modifications
Licensed Master's Level of Social Worker in New York State (NYSED)
Aging & Life Care Professional® with A.L.C.A.®
Post Graduate Certificate in Aging & Mental Health (Adelphi Univ)
Post Graduate Certificate in Aging & Developmental Disabilities (Hunter) College/Mt. Sinai-Brookdale Center)
Certified Dementia Care Specialist (Evergreen Certifications)
Master's Degree in Social Work (Fordham University)
Bachelor of Science in Sociology & Psychology (Mercy College)